Vamtam Quick import feature provides one-click widgets import:
You can reimport the widgets at any time but this action will override your current sidebars.
If you haven't imported the Vamtam Widgets or you have deleted them for some reason, you can duplicate the demo view manually. Please follow the steps below:
Please go to Dashboard > Vamtam > Layout > Footer and duplicate the settings from the screenshot below:
Step 2:
Please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets and duplicate the demo widgets' content provided below:
Footer Widget Area 1:
Here's the original code:
[push h="-25" hide_low_res="true" class=""]<a href="/"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9815" src="" alt="footer-logo" width="157" height="106" /></a>
Footer Widget Area 2:
Here's the original code:
[push h="35" hide_low_res="false" class=""]<a href="/shop/"><h4>[icon name="theme-basket" style="" color="accent1" size="30" ] Our shop »</h4></a>
Footer Widget Area 3:
Here's the original code:
[push h="35" hide_low_res="false" class=""]<a href="/portfolio-layouts/masonry-style/"> <h4>[icon name="theme-layers" style="" color="accent1" size="30" ] Our portfolio »</h4></a>
Footer Widget Area 4:
Here's the original code:
[push h="35" hide_low_res="false" class=""] <a class="wpv-scroll-to-top" href="#"><h4>[icon name="theme-arrow-up2" style="" color="accent1" size="24" ] Top</h4></a>
Footer Widget Area 5:
Here's the original code:
Mauris accumsan eros eget libero posuere vulputate. Etiam elit elit, elementum sed varius at, vitae est.
Sed nec felis pellentesque, lacinia dui sed, ultricies sapien. Pellentesque orci lectus, consectetur vel, rutrum eu ipsum. <br><br>
[button id="" style="border" class="" align="" link="#" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent1" hover_color="accent1" font="12" icon="theme-basket" icon_placement="left" icon_color="accent5"]BUY THIS THEME[/button]
Footer Widget Area 6:
Footer Widget Area 7:
Here's the original code:
London, UK
10, Firs Avenue, Muswell Hill,
Tel: 02 562-958
Mobile: 02 562-95
E-mail: <a href="#">[email protected]</a>
<a href="#">Get directions on the map</a> →
<a href="#"> [icon name="facebook" style="border" color="accent1" size="18" ]</a> <a href="#">[icon name="twitter" style="border" color="accent1" size="18" ]</a> <a href="#">[icon name="theme-linkedin" style="border" color="accent1" size="18" ]</a>
Footer Widget Area 8:
Here's the original code:
[contact-form-7 id="9873" title="FOOTER FORM"]
Please note that all Text widgets' content can be edited easily with the Vamtam Drag and Drop editor
Simply follow the steps below:
Step 1:
Please switch to the Vamtam tab editor and make the changes you need:
Step 3:
Please switch back to the Text editor and copy the edited code. You can use the shortcut setting: Cmd+C / Ctrl+C (for Copy) and Cmd+V / Ctrl+V (for Paste)
Step 4:
Please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Footer Widget Area 1 etc. and paste the code in the Text widget.
How to edit/remove the footer background image: